Infiray UK Appoint Paul & Blaine Stewart of the Shooting Diary as Brand Ambassadors
InfiRay UK are pleased to announce the appointment of Paul and Blaine Stewart of the Shooting Dairy as Brand Ambassadors for InfiRay Thermal Optics.
Paul came to shooting 10 years ago, after he bought his first air rifle, and gained a lot of experience in rabbit control. After receiving his FAC, he soon found his true passion to be deer stalking, and now after completing his DSC1, his activities now involve land management and ethically-sourced fresh meat.
Being a member of the Galloway Small Arms Club and a small local pheasant shoot, he took the big step of organising his own pheasant shoot this year.
Paul’s son, Blaine is 23 and started his shooting journey with BB guns and target practice in the garden, until he got his first air rifle. He was then introduced to clay pigeon shooting and immediately loved it, joining the Galloway Club soon after where he got into target shooting with both rimfire and centrefire rifles.
Everyone at Highland Outdoors is excited to have Paul and Blaine join the Ambassador team and look forward to seeing their results with InfiRay scopes and monoculars as part of the Shooting Diary.